St. Sophia, Moscow Road, Bayswater, London
St. Sophia’s Greek Orthodox Cathedral
Welcome to St. Sophia’s Greek Orthodox Cathedral.
Please click below for the Cathedral’s monthly schedule:
Sunday Eucharist
9.30am – 12.15pm
Saturday Vespers
4.30pm – 5.00pm
English Liturgy
The First and Third Saturday of each month
With Fellowship and Refreshments in the Crypt
After the Service
(unless otherwise stated).
Next English Liturgy: Saturday 15th March
Coffee and Refreshments in the Crypt
On the Second and Last Sunday of every month
After the Eucharist
(unless otherwise stated).
Next Sunday Coffee in the Crypt: Sunday 9th March
Please check our monthly schedule for Cathedral opening times
PLEASE NOTE – Addition to programme – Saturday 8th March. 9:30am. Divine Liturgy. Miracle of The Great Martyr St. Theodore Tyro